Tiji Festival Mustang Trek follows the trial of Mustang, an intriguing scorched region, lies beyond the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri massif in central Nepal is the hidden Kingdom of Mustang and forms part of the Tibetan plateau. Untouched by the outside world, 16th century monasteries remain active, adorned with unrivaled frescoes, thankas and status of gigantic deities, preserving ancient traditions in the Mustang. Upper Mustang is the land of Barley field's pasture for grazing herds. These upper reaches of the Kali Gandaki River, which has tantalized a generation of trekkers - have recently been opened in 1992. Mustang being a restricted area, there are certain formalities required by the government of Nepal in obtaining a special permit.
The journey to Mustang begins with a flight to Jomsom via Pokhara. Two days walking from Jomsom we cross the traditional boundary into the wild lunar landscape and historical Cave of Mustang.
Tiji Mustang Trek 2024 itinerary allows plenty of time to explore the main town of Lo Manthang, the impressive walled capital. Mustang trek is scheduled during the summer months when the people are most active in the fields, villages and monasteries.
On Tiji Festival This year lies on May 05th, 06th & 07th 2024, Different people( foreigner + Nepali) are trek to the Himalayan Kingdom of Mustang targeting TIJI festival a three days long ritual known as" The chasing of the Demons", one of the most important festival of the region. Eventually, this kingdom is known as “land of monastery" and follow Buddhist (kyagyupa) religions.
Over the festive time monks dressed in elaborate costumes and masks perform dances and rituals that are supposed to drive away evil spirits. Dressed in their finery, people from all over Mustang gather in Lo Monthang to celebrate the Tiji festival.
A1 Excursion Adventure offers you 15 days Tiji festival Trip. A1 Excursion Adventure always believe in providing excellent service with a tailor-made trip for you with popular route map and trek itinerary as well as cost detail.. We, A1 Excursion Adventure look forward to guide you the popular Tiji festival Trip trekking for a life time memory.